Foreign Trade Zones (FTZ) are secure areas under U.S. Customs supervision. Both foreign and domestic goods can enter these zones and there are no formal CBP entry procedures or payments of duties required until the goods enter CBP territory for domestic consumption. An FTZ entry can help your business reduce production, transaction, and logistics-related costs. Want to learn more about FTZ entry activities?
Beyond the duty deferral, duty exemption, and logistical benefits, using an FTZ offers importers other advantages. For example, merchandise may be transferred from one FTZ operation to another under customs bond which allows for a foreign-status component to be used within an FTZ operation to manufacture a product that is transferred to another FTZ operation. Then, that new product could be used as an input to make a downstream product.
Robert F. Barnes Customs Broker has relationships with FTZ Port clerks and can help customize the solution that best meets your business needs.
To obtain a permit to import alcoholic beverages, you must file an “Application for Basic Permit under the Federal Alcohol Administration Act” with the Tax and Trade Bureau’s National Revenue Center. After receiving the permit, the importer must then obtain a TTB-issued Certificate of Label Approval (COLA) for every unique product/label for distilled spirits, wine, or malt beverages they bring in.
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